Buying & Selling Real Estate in the Capital District with Howard Hanna



Written By Cynthia Martin, Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

At the end of the year, whether you celebrate Chinese New Year or not, there are a few things you can do to allow for “clean chi” (that is, new energy and vitality that you can FEEL) to enter your home, office or wherever for a fresh start to the upcoming year. Here are some basic yet very important ones to consider:

  1. DECLUTTER!  I say it a lot, but particularly now, it’s a wonderful way to allow for the fresh energy of the new year into your space.
  2. Please, dust and clean.  Dust holds on to negative chi in your space. The only way to rid yourself of that stagnant, stale energy is to literally get rid of it.  Think of dust as a magnet to negative chi – you’ll be glad that you cleaned it out if you take the time to do it. It’s worth it!
  3. Move 27 things.  Really.  Rearrange, reconfigure, reorganize… it’s like a face lift for your space.  Yep, the magic number for this is 27.
  4. Kitchen purge!  Go through your spice rack, your pantry and your fridge – anything expired, about to expire; everything that you know you won’t use – toss it!  Don’t let the new year hit with all of this “stuff” that is just taking up space. Also, dishes, glasses, bake-ware, etc. that is chipped cracked or scratched should be let go of.  Your belongings should reflect a life of prosperity – particularly in the kitchen.
  5. Wash your bedding… and pick up and wash any clothes hanging around your room.
  6. Dump all of your trash cans around your home or office. They should be empty as you ring in the New Year.
  7. What’s in your purse/wallet? Go through it and toss anything that you don’t use like expired coupons, old receipts you don’t need, broken hair clips, pens that don’t write, etc….
  8. Clear your front door: This is the “Mouth of Chi” to your home and should be clean, neat and as openly accessible as possible. Your door should swing a minimum of 90 degrees, freely.
  9. Roll in nine oranges!  Oranges symbolize wealth. buy nine (or ten – the number of completion!) oranges and literally roll them INTO your house through the front door.  This symbolizes prosperity coming your way.  Displaying the oranges in a bowl on your kitchen table is indicative of the affluence coming your way for the new year. Try it!
  10. Space clear. This is decluttering for the air in your home.  crack a couple of windows and walk around each room, clockwise, clapping your hands, ringing a metal bell, using a singing bowl, or whatever you would like to use. This literally cleanses the stagnant, heaviness you may or may not be feeling. yes, it does work when done with sincere intention.
  11. Bonus – Give your car a spa treatment! Particularly if your car is an important part of your income and livelihood (such as it is for a Realtor!) give it a good vacuuming, throw away junk, organize your glovebox and trunk, and wipe down all windows and seats. Lastly, give it a good car wash and spring for the wax this time.  And… if you need an oil change or inspection, don’t put it off.
  12. Extra Bonus! – Declutter your computer and phone: clear out anything unnecessary like old emails in your inbox, sent box and delete the deleted ones. Freeing up space on your devices encourages new endeavors, knowledge, and love in your life.

This year, Chinese New Year is on Friday, February 16, 2018. I see it as a second chance at doing all of the above for that day if for some reason you aren’t ready for our traditional New Year’s Day.  Personally, I celebrate both – can’t ever have too many things to celebrate, or too many reasons to clean and clear our spaces to make room for more of what we desire – and deserve!

Happy, Prosperous, Healthy New Year to All!